Monday, March 14, 2011

Summary of Today's Evaluation

Today Jordan met with the Psychologist and Neurodevelopmental specialist and was evaluated on her development.  She weighed in at 26.5 lbs and was 35.5 inches. 

During her psychological evaluation she did quite well and was found to be somewhere between what is considered normal and what is labeled low for intelligence and performance of verbal and nonverbal skills. He believes that she could make cognitive progress as she continues to improve in her verbal abilities.  He noticed some anxiety that manifested itself with her perseverating* at times through twirling her hair or her hands on the table.

*Perseverating means they do certain actions over and over again, like repeating a phrase, shutting a door, twiddling fingers, lining up toys, rubbing hands together, spinning objects, etc.

Her neurodevelopmental eval went well and she encouraged us to continue what we are doing and focus on Jordan's speech therapy and oral motor/feeding therapy as her gross motor and fine motor skills seem to be developing quite well.  When I questioned about her high sensory needs she recommended we have the school perform a sensory profile and discuss some sensory planning to help her function at a more calm, stable level.

This system was completely different than what has been done in the past.  We used to have a 4 hour appointment where we would rotate meeting with an OT, PT, SLP, nutritionist, social worker, as well as the 2 we saw today.  I don't believe that the evaluation is as thorough and I have always felt that the Neurodevelopmental specialist doesn't always give straight answers to my questions.  I am somewhat disappointed that we were unable to see the SLP in particular because that is the area of greatest concern for Jordan.

Now I am preparing for tomorrow's appointments...Jordan's feeding therapy was canceled so she only has the group OT/speech tomorrow at school.  I hope to have some video of her to post soon!!

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