Friday, March 11, 2011

Failed already!!!

Well, the second day of lent came and went without me posting anything...FAIL!!!  This is going to be much harder than I imagined!  I suppose it was because it was a pretty boring day...nothing to report on.  I know that I have lots to catch up on, but for some reason, I just never did.

This morning Jordan had speech at Century Park with her school speech path, JoAnne Hurley.  JoAnne also worked with Conner a few years ago and is great!  This year started off a little rough, but I think Jordan was just so difficult to work with that it took a while before Jo figured her out.  Jordan now loves to go see Jo and there are no more tantrums or problems.  Although Jordan doesn't always go along with Jo's plan, most of the time she is cooperative and participates.  Today I asked about the communication device that Jordan will be trying out for the next few months - Jo was going to look into that and hopefully we will have that soon!

As I write this, Jordan is bringing every pair of shoes, boots, etc from her room and piling them next to me!  Do I have a fashion queen on my hands?!?!?!  maybe...

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