Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I'm not much for giving something up for Lent.  But for some reason, this year I am going to try something new.  I am going to attempt to blog about my journey with Jordan for the next 40 days...every day.  I know it will involve sacrifice...maybe I will have to get up earlier to do it...maybe I will have to do it when all I want to do is sit down and relax and not do anything.  The point is that I will force myself to have the discipline to spend time every day documenting our life and processing through my thoughts and feelings and putting them into words. 

The upcoming month is full of lots of therapy (speech, OT, feeding), some big appointments (multidisciplinary neurodevelopmental eval), as well as just daily life.  I'm sure in the midst of it all I will find many things to share.  I will attempt to spend the next day or so summarizing the past few months and then move forward day to day.

When I look at my last post...November 8, 2010, I realize that I have been AWFUL in keeping up with this blog!  Since Jordan is my third child, I actually have no baby book for her and although I have recorded much of her medical information, I seem to be failing at recording the normal milestones that children reach.  That was part of my intention of starting this blog and now I intend to make it a priority.

I pray that this experience helps me to really dig deeper into discovering the impact that this amazing little girl has on my life and share that with others in hope that they will see just what a miracle she is.

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