Thursday, August 21, 2008

Successful Surgery!!

Jordan's surgery went well today. She has been running a slight fever and still seems quite uncomfortable but the pain meds help quite a bit. She doesn't sleep much when laid in the crib and is much better when I cuddle and hold her. It might be a long night, but I'm not complaining that I get to spend the next few days cuddling my baby girl without having to chase Conner or get Mak to do some chores. Please continue to pray for her healing and recovery and that when we start feedings tomorrow that they go well. The surgeon is thinking that we could go home as early as Saturday! I will try to update again soon.


Shannon said...


That is wonderful! We will continue to pray!

Anonymous said...

rest up my dear! give her lots of love from me :) I will see you after work tomorrow :) Love ya it was good to sit and chat even if it was in a hospital room with Jordan :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, God for being close to jordan throughout her surgery and for comforting her parents as they waited to have her back in their arms. Please be with their family in the days ahead. give them patience and help everything to go smoothly as they make the transition to her new feeding tube.

(thanks for the update karrie. guess i should have checked this sooner, before i wrote my other post on your Facebook page. Oops!)

Mom McDee said...

Awesome news. We are thankful with you! Enjoy your time with your precious baby girl and we will pray that she can be comfortable through it all!