Friday, August 15, 2008


On Tuesday at Jordan's feeding therapy at MFB, Ellen informed me that she wanted to discharge her from therapy. She truly felt that there was nothing more she could do for probably 6 months or so. After getting the feeding tube next week, Jordan will have a week or so of no oral feeding and after that, Ellen felt the best thing to do was to only pleasure feed a few times a day a small amount (1-2 oz) just to keep her experiencing oral feeding. She said it will take around 6 months for any damage from her reflux to heal completely and for her to forget the discomfort she has felt and move forward with feeding therapy. She doesn't see Jordan accepting other textures and/or thicknesses well for quite a while and therefore, felt we should stop therapy.

I was kinda caught off guard by this. I expected maybe a month or so off to adjust to the tube feeding, but I figured we would be moving forward with trying to get her to eat well orally in the near future. I'm kinda bummed because I felt like Ellen and Jane were my biggest support system through this. I know that I am doing what is best for Jordan but it sure was comforting to know that I had an OT and RN that I could just call whenever I had any concerns. I asked if Ellen would be my therapist when Jordan started therapy again and she said I could request her, but it would be based on who is available. I would appreciate prayers that when therapy is needed that we could be with Ellen - she has been a huge part of this journey with me and I hope to be able to continue with her later.

I want to say a HUGE "Thank You!!" to both Ellen and Jane for all of the information, support, and encouragement they have given me during the past 4 months. I saw several other therapists during that time and I feel that I have been truly blessed to be put with Ellen. She seemed to care more about Jordan where the other therapists seemed to care more about the goals. I appreciate all of the people at Mary Free Bed Outpatient Therapy and all they have done for my little Jordan!!

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