Saturday, April 9, 2011


I was slightly confused last week after Jordan's feeding appointment on Tuesday.  I talked with Ellen at the session about realizing that Jordan was nearing the end of her scheduled appointments.  I asked her whether she thought we would continue therapy or take a break and continue what seems to be a safe method of pleasure feeding.  She told me that she thought we would take a break for 3-6 months since there isn't significant progress to move forward to getting her off her g-tube.

After returning home I didn't think much of it, but on Thursday I flipped my calendar to April to see what was coming up in the next week.  Since it was spring break things were a little different than our normal schedule, but I noticed that Jordan had no more therapy scheduled.  I remembered talking with the lady at Mary Free Bed when we scheduled Jordan for her therapy and I realized that Jordan had no more scheduled appointments!  I kinda freaked out because it seemed like there was no closure to her feeding therapy and yet I had no more appointments. 

I called Ellen on Thursday and left her a message explaining my confusion and asking if she could just let me know what she wanted me to do.  Should I wait 3 months to schedule more therapy...6 months?!?!?  I kind of rambled on the message because I was so shocked that all of a sudden I was faced with the end of this process that I was confused.

Since Ellen only works part-time, I was not surprised that I didn't hear back from her before the weekend.  I didn't hear back on Monday and by Tuesday I was very tempted to call again, but didn't want to seem like a crazy woman!  Finally, I heard back from her on Wednesday.  Apparently, she had been confused by my message as well and had some problems with hearing the message on her phone and was unsure exactly what I was talking about.  Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Jordan has therapy scheduled through April 19!!!!  Yeah, I messed up!  When I didn't show for my Tuesday appointment, Ellen figured something was up and checked the message again and realized that I thought Jordan was done with feeding therapy. 

I felt like such a scattered woman!!  Jordan's therapy schedule is a major part of what my day to day schedule revolves around.  I try so hard to keep it organized and on track.  How in the world did I miss 3 weeks of scheduling?!?!? 

I apologized to Ellen and laughed at myself.  She told me that she was surprised because I have always been so on top of things and this was my first faux pos in 3 years!  I went back to the schedule I received in the mail from MFB when I scheduled her and it shows appointments through April 19.  I have no idea why I didn't put them in my calendar?!?!?  I look forward to having a few more weeks to tie up these questions in my head...and hope that I can get my act together and not forget appointments anymore!!

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