Monday, April 25, 2011

My Lenten Journey

On Wednesday, March 9th I set out on a Lenten Challenge.  Instead of giving something up for that time, I chose to make a choice to spend more time blogging about Jordan and this journey.  As a busy mom, this required me to let go of something else in order to find the time to blog.  I had initially thought I would blog daily...but quickly learned that it was not even a possibility in my crazy world!! 

I found that it was very healing to write through the experiences and feelings of this past 6 weeks.  It was actually hard sometimes to choose what to write about because there were several things going on at once!  I have some topics that I would still like to cover and reflect upon but never got to them.  I think this has helped me to see that I would like to try to blog more often...not once or twice a month.

But more than anything, I was encouraged and uplifted by the comments and responses from those of you who read my ramblings.  Several of the things I experienced over this past several weeks have been normal situations for me.  I travel this journey alone most of the time.  By putting these stories on Jordan's Blossom, I have allowed you to catch a glimpse of my world.  In turn, I have been blessed by your words.  Thank you!! 


Mom McDee said...

Your journey with Jordan is a beautiful thing Karrie! Thanks for sharing it with me and so many others. Love you!

Betsy Emelander said...

Hi Karrie!

I have so enjoyed reading your blog and following Jordan's progress/antics. Please don't beat yourself up. You are a terrific mom and family. I so admire your strength, courage and patience. You are incredible and Jordan remains one of my all time favorites after close to 40 years of practicing PT!

With love...

Betsy Emelander

Karrie said...

I just found your comment!! It is so great to know that you loved working with my little girl!! She is a precious miracle in my life and I feel so blessed to be her mom! I hope and pray that Jordan continues to work with therapists that care for her and help her as much as you did! I hope you are enjoying your retirement :)