Monday, June 23, 2008

Early On / Ken-O-Sha Therapy

On Friday, Betsy came over for Jordan's therapy. She was happy with the progress since we last saw her in the end of May. Jordan is much more stable while sitting and is even trying to reach more for things. She is also learning to move her legs around and twist to reach, sometimes resulting in her turning herself around! Although I wouldn't quite call her mobile, she's definitely on her way!! Last week she also started to bear weight on her legs for a minute or so at a time. She will even hold onto (with a death grip so she doesn't fall) an object and stand there on her own for a short time! Her ankles, knees, and hips are all locked so it's not the best "standing" technique - but it's a step in the right direction! The most interesting thing Betsy observed is that it is common for kids to stand on their toes, but Jordan stands on her right heel. We will have to see what develops from this. I have some pics from her therapy on Friday - I will post them soon!

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