Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You've Come a Long Way, Baby!!!

Jordan is developing so quickly it is amazing to us!! She is now pulling up on anything and everything - the couch, her music table, window sills, and even my legs!! I can't believe that only a few short months ago she was not even crawling! It is very encouraging to see her blossom just as we have been praying!

I have been doing some research on mild cerebral palsy and found some interesting things. Most people with level 1 or 2 (Jordan's diagnosis) are able to walk without assistance (braces, walkers, etc) but struggle with issues with balance and coordination. It helps explain why Jordan still falls over backward when sitting sometimes. I read that many are able to participate in sports, but need to be directed toward certain ones. Soccer and basketball might be difficult for her but swimming and martial arts are highly recommended. I am in the process of doing some investigating to see if there are scholarships available to get her into a swimming class at the YMCA. She loves her bath and I'm sure she would love the pool!! Overall, I felt encouraged that while Jordan may seem behind in meeting her developmental milestones now, it is normal and that in time, she is likely to be able to participate in activities on her own!!

Jordan's speech is still significantly delayed and we mostly hear only the "b" sound and an occasional "g" or initiating vowel sound. However, she LOVES to imitate - clapping, stomping feet, etc. so we are working on sign language with her. I did some with Conner and I am trying to familiarize myself with the signs again as well as several new ones so we can encourage communication with her. Although I am still waiting for the day she says "mama!"

Jordan's personality is starting to come out as well! She has started having temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. If we take something away from her that she wants (although shouldn't have), she arches her back and flips herself backward and cries! She has hurt my wrist a few times so I am VERY careful how I am positioned when I take it now. She definitely knows what she wants and expresses that to us clearly! She also loves to play hide & seek! She will go around a corner and peek back at me and then do it over and over. It is adorable to see her smile and laugh when she's playing!

I am so thankful to all of you for your prayers! God has blessed us with an amazing daughter and we feel grateful that we are given the opportunity to raise her! She has come so far and yet we know that she still has so much yet to achieve! Continue to keep her in your prayers and I will do my best to keep you updated through the blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Came across Jordan's blog when I did a Google search for my name. It was fun to read some of the early entries and the latest ones. How exciting that she is pulling to standing! There's no stopping her now!
Just a thought about her speech - try some mirror play as she is so great at imitating! Meanwhile, I'll see you next Wednesday!