Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today's update!

Jordan seems to be doing very well drinking from a cup. She only coughs a once or twice per meal and usually because I gave her too much at once. It does take quite a bit longer to get through a meal. Dinner on the first night took 1 hour!! I'm sure with time it will be much easier and quicker for us to feed her. Part of the reason is because she takes such a long time with each bite of food/drink. She processes the food/drink in her mouth for 6-8 seconds before swallowing. Then it takes her another 5-10 seconds or longer before she is willing to open her mouth for another bite/drink. She is soooo different from Conner - we couldn't shovel the food in fast enough for that boy!!

Betsy called yesterday and cancelled her therapy for tomorrow because of a death in her family. I'm actually kinda glad because yesterday we had Conner's speech evaluation and I feel like I have been too busy the past few weeks. A day off will be nice. Of course, we will still work with her at home, but at our own convenience.

I have also pretty much conceded that it is better for Jordan to switch to using a bottle rather than nursing. I don't know that she is getting enough when nursing and I have no way to actually track her intake. Although the cost is frightening, I truly believe it will provide her with better nutrition than I am able to provide for her at this point. I have been weaning over the past week and a half and will probably nurse her for the last time this weekend.

What a sad thing!! A part of me wants to hold on to it because I love the feeling of holding her and providing her with the milk that was her only nutrition for such a long time. I guess knowing she is my last baby also makes it hard to stop. I have considered continuing one nursing per day but she is now down to only 3 bottles/nursings per day and I feel that her nutrition is more important than my wanting her to stay my baby forever!


The Clack Family said...

You could always have more babies!!! Who says you have to stop at 3!!!! hahahahaha!

Karrie said...

Are you serious!?!?! I'll let you go first with #4!!! Actually, after the problems with the placenta with Jordan, the doc told me I would be high risk with any future pregnancy. D and I seriously wonder if any of Jordan's delays/complications are due to those placenta problems or her breathing incidents. We see the neurologist next week and hope to get some answers from him.