Yesterday I made lots of phone calls and tried to figure out what we can do to apply for various types of assistance.
The receptionist at WMP suggested we look into WIC so I called to find out. Because of Jordan's medical situation, she should qualify - especially for the Pediasure since we have a prescription. However, I was surprised that we might also qualify for Conner based on income. We were just under the level she quoted over the phone and based on our 2007 W2's, we were eligible.
I have an appointment next Tuesday at 8:15 am to apply. I have to take both of the kids and some legal and financial documentation but hopefully, we will get some assistance to cover at least the Pediasure and maybe some other basics.
I also called on the Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) and was told I need to be referred by MFB and the neurologist. The process will be 4-6 weeks while they determine eligibility and then if approved, I will receive an application. It should cover all medical care and treatment for her diagnosed conditions.
After several phone calls to Hannah at MFB and Karen at WMP, I am on the way to getting the necessary referrals to move forward with CSHCS. I will need to see a specialist at the Gerber Feeding Clinic at the DeVos Children's Hospital for the referral and I am now waiting to be referred to see the specialist.
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