In the first 3 weeks of therapy we saw 3 different people (Deb, Ellen, Linda) - today (5/27) we are back to Ellen, who will be our therapist from here on out. She was waiting to hear from the pediatrician's office about the video swallow study - she had called and requested it over a week ago. Since Jordan had a cough and a rash, I had scheduled an appointment for later in the day and would ask about it then.
Ellen and the nutritionist were somewhat concerned that Jordan isn't getting nearly enough formula - partly for caloric reasons, partly for hydration reasons. She normally gets 3 bottles a day and takes about 2 oz each time but it takes her 20 minutes. They asked me to see if her pediatrician was okay with me switching her to Pediasure instead of formula. It has 30 calories per oz. rather than the 20-22 per oz in the formula we are currently using. Starting this week, I am now going to thicken all of her formula with either pudding or yogurt to add calories and move to a stage 2 nipple to increase the flow rate. Hopefully she will take more in a shorter time frame and not tire out from eating and also get more calories in each feeding. They recommended I switch to the Dr. Brown's feeding system with the wide bottles because they are the softest nipples and require less work for Jordan.
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