Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Seriously Too Busy to Keep Up!!!

Okay, so I am really depressed when I look and realize it has been almost 5 months since I have updated this blog!!!  I wish I had some grand excuse...but I don't.  I have had an amazing summer with my kids!!  Lots of backyard and pool time and trips to our CSA farm (more about that later.)  I feel as though I live in a time warp!!  This fall, I started homeschooling Conner and that has, again, increased my workload as a mom...but I love it and wouldn't change it for the world!!!

I have so much to share on Jordan's progress, but unfortunately, I am going to have to do that later.  I am actually just updating to commit to myself that I MUST make this a priority!!!  I hope to update 1-2 times a month...I know, pretty lame for a blog.  It is however, more to keep myself documented on her progress as I have no baby book for her and use this as my guide...remember, she's my 3rd and just doesn't get the stuff that comes along with being born early in the birth order!

So, if anyone reads this, please remind me to post something soon!!!  My facebook page is the most likely place for me to read it!!  Keep on me...so I don't slack again!!!!!

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