Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Appointment with the Surgeon

Today I took Jordan to meet the pediatric surgeon, Dr. Neil Uitvlugt. We discussed Jordan getting a G-tube and having a Nissen fundoplication. The tube will allow us to feed her without concern of safety or nutrition - we can give her the desired amount of nutrition in a safe manner. The Nissen procedure will block Jordan from refluxing and causing discomfort with the risk of aspiration. After over an hour of discussing Jordan's story and hearing about the procedure, Dr. Neil decided that Jordan was a candidate for the surgery. He felt that although she currently seems to be doing better with quantity and since she doesn't sound too bad at this point, it might not be necessary. However, if we don't move forward with it, but wait 6 months to see how she does, she might again have difficulties and then we are 6 month behind in providing her safe nutrition to help her with her physical and brain development that is so vital in these early years. If we have the procedure done, and she continues to get a portion of her nutrition by tube and a portion orally, we may be able to work through the swallowing difficulties more quickly without concern of nutrition levels.

Jordan is scheduled for surgery on August 21st. She will be in the DeVos Children's Hospital for about 3 days following the procedure. Please be praying for Jordan, our family, the Dr. and all other medical personnel that will be involved. Thank you!!

1 comment:

Mom McDee said...

Praying and trusting with you!
