WOW! It's been a while since I've posted anything! Life is busy, but there have been no HUGE events to write about. Jordan continues to do well with her tube feedings. We saw the surgeon last week and other than some granulation tissue that is forming around the tube site, everything looks good. He treated that but we have some growing again in a different location - I will be calling him about this soon. We did determine that her valve isn't working properly which is causing a considerable amount of leaking. This basically requires me to change her gauze frequently and use a small hairband to keep it closed.
Jordan started group therapy at Ken-O-Sha last week and I think it will be good. Jordan is by far the most active of the bunch - they are called the "Rug Rats"! I suppose she maybe fit better into this group before she started crawling and getting into everything as they are all non-mobile. There are 8 kids and their parents' in the group and we sing some songs while doing motions with the kids and then work with them on some of the equipment the school has, then the therapists work with the kids for a while and the parents leave to talk about life with a child with disabilities, and then we come back for a closing song. It is amazing how each of the children in her group all have individual challenges they are facing and things they are working to accomplish. It helps me to see that I'm not the only one who is faced with the daily difficulties of a child with special needs.
We will be meeting with Dr. Helga Toriello next week on Tuesday, September 23. We are truly hoping for some answers regarding if Jordan has some sort of chromosomal syndrome. The doctors have mentioned some and I have spent hours doing online research and discovered that all it does is worry me more!! I have decided to wait to see what we find out next week. Please be praying for this appointment and whatever results it may reveal.
I have lots of pics to post of Jordan so I will try to get to them in the next few days!!
I got my bandages off my wrist a few days ago and I am finding it difficult to adjust to taking it easy when I have free use of my hand/arm. I have hurt it a couple of times trying to hold Jordan or picking Conner up. Please pray for continued healing. I have also been extremely exhausted since Jordan's surgery. I was up for a week for night feedings and then school started and I have been getting up by 6am to get Mak out the door. I am trying to adjust my schedule so I get more sleep, but it has been difficult. Please pray for energy for me to get through my busy days and to be able to care for my family.
Derrick is scheduled to have surgery on his right foot on September 30. This is the same procedure he had done on his left foot in January. The recovery time is long and it is difficult for me to have little or no help for a week or so. Please pray for a successful surgery and quick recovery and healing.
I have often times wondered why I don't just collapse, start crying, and give up with everything I feel like I am dealing with right now. Then I remember that all of you are praying for us and God is carrying us through it. I so thankful for our friends and those that have prayed for us during this time. Please continue to pray as I have felt more burdened with things lately. Maybe it's that we aren't in the middle of the storm so much anymore with Jordan, but we are faced with daily challenges and continue to need your prayers. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!!
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