We survived Jordan's BIG evaluation at the Helen DeVos Children's Hospital Gerber Center for Infant Development and Nutrition. Jordan weighed in at 15lb 2 oz and was 26 1/4 in long. When she was charted - she was still significantly below the 3rd percentile. We had to wait a little while before we were seen because the social worker was on vacation and the dietitian had flooding and power problems at home from the storm the night before.

We finally sat down with Dr. Mastin the psychologist and discussed with her what we were most concerned with and what we would like to see accomplished through this program. She asked lots of questions and answered some of ours as well. During this conversation, Jessica, the occupational therapist came in and we fed Jordan so that she could see what is going on with her. Jordan has been doing very well the past few days and so there wasn't much wet and gurgleyness with her eating but the fact that she is only able to eat honey/pudding-thick Pediasure by both spoon and bottle as well as the reports from Ellen hopefully gave her an idea of what we have been going through with her.

They left and Jordan was finishing her bottle when Dr. Burdo-Hartman came in and began her evaluation. She is a pediatric neurodevelopment specialist and talked with us about some things and then played with Jordan and checked her out some of her physical characteristics and development.

After her evaluation, she said that they would all sit down together and discuss Jordan and we would receive a phone call from her that night with their findings. Unfortunately, she never called... I was kinda hoping to hear from her this morning but due to the 4th of July holiday, I will probably have to wait until Monday to get any information.
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